Channel: Sequence annotation : nature.com subject feeds

Publisher Correction: Reference-guided search for open reading frames

Metagenomic profiling pipelines improve taxonomic classification for 16S amplicon sequencing data

Genomic and transcriptomic analysis of camptothecin producing novel fungal endophyte: Alternaria burnsii NCIM 1409

Protein remote homology detection and structural alignment using deep learning

Uncovering new families and folds in the natural protein universe

Denoising sparse microbial signals from single-cell sequencing of mammalian host tissues

Transgenic ferret models define pulmonary ionocyte diversity and function

TAGET: a toolkit for analyzing full-length transcripts from long-read sequencing

The status of the human gene catalogue

Protein structural alignment using deep learning

De novo genome assembly depicts the immune genomic characteristics of cattle

Domain-PFP allows protein function prediction using function-aware domain embedding representations

Comparison of chloroplast genomes and phylogenetic analysis of four species in Quercus section Cyclobalanopsis

Benchmarking of deep neural networks for predicting personal gene expression from DNA sequence highlights shortcomings

Exploring the hemicellulolytic properties and safety of Bacillus paralicheniformis as stepping stone in the use of new fibrolytic beneficial microbes

Predicting cell types with supervised contrastive learning on cells and their types

Addendum: Thousands of human non-AUG extended proteoforms lack evidence of evolutionary selection among mammals

Optimizing strategy for the discovery of compositionally-biased or low-complexity regions in proteins

Gene modelling and annotation for the Hawaiian bobtail squid, Euprymna scolopes

Probiotic consortium modulating the gut microbiota composition and function of sterile Mediterranean fruit flies

Near telomere-to-telomere genome of the model plant Physcomitrium patens

Direct prediction of intrinsically disordered protein conformational properties from sequences

Quality assessment of gene repertoire annotations with OMArk

OMArk, a tool for gene annotation quality control, reveals erroneous gene inference

Study of the intestinal microbiota composition and the effect of treatment with intensive chemotherapy in patients recovered from acute leukemia

Enriched atlas of lncRNA and protein-coding genes for the GRCg7b chicken assembly and its functional annotation across 47 tissues

Uncovering the molecular mechanisms of russet skin formation in Niagara grapevine (Vitis vinifera × Vitis labrusca)

Insights from bioinformatics analysis reveal that lipopolysaccharide induces activation of chemokine-related signaling pathways in human nasal epithelial cells

Overcoming barriers to single-cell RNA sequencing adoption in low- and middle-income countries

The chromosomal-scale genome sequencing and assembly of Athetis lepigone

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